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放大字体  缩小字体 2025-02-28 21:11  浏览次数:0

The tree on Oakfield Road in Haringey, north London, which has become the source of a legal wrangle The Haringey council has installs barriers around the tree and deployed security guards to the area to provide day and night surveillance on the 120-year-old plane tree



周日,哈林盖议会在“黑暗的掩护下”的一次黎明突袭中,在奥克菲尔德路(Oakfield Road)捕获了这棵树,目的是阻止活动人士攀爬并阻止砍伐活动。










Scaffolding surrounds the tree to protect it from being felled by Haringey Council



活动家Giovanna Iozzi说:“他们试图通过说我们在树上放了新东西来证明这是正确的,但这不是真的。”





布伦纳的代理律师查尔斯·斯特莱顿(Charles Streeton)表示,他的行为是由于地方议会在周日凌晨4:30“在黑暗的掩护下”包围了这棵树。



120 year old tree

哈林盖地方议会的律师斯蒂芬·埃文斯(Stephen Evans)表示,在判决之前,布伦纳没有向地方议会表明他希望这棵树继续存在,也没有“对地方议会砍掉这棵树的决定有任何异议”。

但斯特莱顿先生补充说,布伦纳先生联系了哈林盖市议员迈克·博多(Mike Hakata),并被告知他的电子邮件已被发送给法律团队。


Mr Streeton also said the “nub” of his client’s complaint was that the financial ombudsman looking into subsidence issues in Mr Brenner’s home was waiting for Aviva to respond in order to submit its report.

He said: “Aviva has held up that response and that’s where the delay is coming from.”

Mr Brenner’s last-minute move came as a surprise for those protesting the tree being cut down.

‘Mature trees are being neglected’

Ms Iozzi, 49, added: “I didn’t expect it. It came at the very last hour. But I think that desperate measures ask for desperate actions. We’re all so shocked.”

Mr Evans said the council had put a notice on the tree last April but had been stopped from felling it by protestors, which was why in December it sought its injunction to stop them.

He said a financial ombudsman report would look at engineering evidence.

Mr Evans added that if there were any previous reports sought by Mr Brenner and his next-door neighbour against the felling of the tree, “we haven’t seen them”.

He continued: “The council’s decision is made on sound grounds.”

Mr Evans also urged Deputy High Court Judge Dan Squires KC, to regard the “grave financial inconvenience to the council if the injunction wasn’t dismissed”.

The judge handed down the judgment on Friday stating that the injunction will stand until a follow-up hearing.

The Haringey council has installs barriers around the tree and deployed security guards to the area to provide day and night surveillance on the 120-year-old plane tree

Ms Iozzi said after hearing: “We’re not quite there yet but it has definitely given us some very much appreciated breathing space.

“When the residential injunction was taken out the judge could have discharged it this morning which would have meant the council could have felled the tree today on this grim rainy morning.”

The creative writing teacher added: “Ultimately we may lose the tree but we are hoping that this case will raise the whole issue.

“The reality of the climate emergency is still not being centralised in our legislation and government.

“At the moment the law is in the favour of the insurance companies and we just don’t think that’s right.

“Mature trees are being neglected. People are obsessed with new planting, but new planting just doesn’t cut it. You cannot replace these mature trees.

“They don’t sequester the same amount of carbon and they may not survive in droughts because they’re not strong enough.

“They’re putting a lot of money into planting new trees without looking after the old ladies on the streets.”

It is still not known whether the guarded enclosure around the tree will remain.

Haringey Council has been approached for comment.

A spokesman for the insurance company Allianz said: “This is a complex and ongoing case and we await the decision of the court.

“Sustainability is a business priority for Allianz and we’ve not taken any decisions lightly.

“We’ve been diligent in our investigations to find the best solution to solve the subsidence problem and are working closely with industry experts and the Financial Ombudsman Service.”